Continuing Professional Development

Member Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Certified Practicing Nutritionists (CPNs) have access to AARPN’s CPD Portal. The Portal contains AARPN original / AARPN curated CPD content, and instruction for acquiring and submitting annual CPD.
- The following guidelines are in effect for CPNs and the provision of their annual 20 points of CPD content:
- In order to promote diversity of ongoing professional development within the profession, AARPN encourages your annual CPD submission to include content from non-for-profit organisations – with this complimenting CPD that may be derived from businesses where (as a primary function of their business model) profit is generated from the selling of therapeutic goods to the profession.
- In other words – CPNs can achieve their full annual CPD points via:
- (1) AARPN’s original / curated free educational content,
- (2) CPD content and conferences from scientific societies etc.,
- (3) provision of documented case studies and,
- (4) approved CPD equivalency work,
- with (5) members being at liberty to derive additional CPD points from any other conventional CPD provider, so long as the focus is primarily on nutrition, metabolism or Nutritional Medicine relevant functional pathology.
AARPN recommends all Certified Practicing Nutritionists undertake the following module provided by Australian Regional Health Group, which provides integral training on the private health industry:
- This module can be submitted for CPD.
The AARPN CPD Portal contains AARPN curated CPD resources, and instruction for submitting external CPD content.
*IMPORTANT* – the AARPN CPD portal is restricted to approved Student and Certified Practicing Nutritionists only. If your website login credentials have not yet been added to AARPN’s approved users list, the AARPN CPD portal and all sub-pages will load as a ‘missing error’ page. Please contact if you think your access is being denied incorrectly.
Members must be logged in to the AARPN website prior to accessing the CPD portal.