Public Health Requirements

Public Health forms an ongoing cornerstone competency of a Practicing Nutritionist (as well as a Nutrition Scientist), as outlined in our Competencies of a Practicing Nutritionist document.

As of 2019 (when the Public Health Nutrition subject at Endeavour College of Natural Health [ECNH] became a non-mandatory elective) AARPN has required any subsequent ECNH graduate (as of 2019, who did not complete the Public Health Nutrition subject at the institution – and who remains eligible for membership as per the on campus requirement for theory subjects), complete additional post-graduate level training in public health nutrition. 

As of May 2021, our default option for students seeking to complete additional public health nutrition training is the open-access Public Health Nutrition Course provided by The Centre for Global Child Health – which is a centre connected with the Sick Kids hospital in Canada. The course, which is designed to inform postgraduate healthcare professionals, is open access and provides free certification for anyone completing the modules in their entirety.

Please contact AARPN administration if you wish to seek further clarification.